Quinn selling education reform when in fact she was Mike Bloomberg's mini-me -- his puppet all these years -- nice try using the teachers and educations but your track record speaks for it's self.
As Council Speaker for 7 Years Quinn Should Share in the Blame For the Failure of the City's Education System
The Media Pimping Quinn Campaign Never Blame Her for NY's Failed Education System?
As Spearker She Could Have Made Any of Her Education Ideas She Announced Yesterday As the City's Education Policy Years Ago. How many of the children of New York's has gone uneducated since she became speaker? She Contolled 7 Education budgets as the second most powerful player in the city's budget. Quinn Presents Vision for Improving New York City Schools(NYT)Among her proposals, Christine C. Quinn, the Council speaker, said she would replace textbooks with computer tablets and reduce the emphasis on testing. In a policy address on education, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn proposed replacing textbooks with digital tablets in all city public schools as well as an expansion of the school day to 6 p.m.* In Speech, Quinn Spells Out Education Platform (WSJ) *Quinn laid out in a speech a series of proposals for improving the city’s schools, which included replacing textbooks with computer tablets, creating online resources for parents and extending the school day for many students.* How the Democrats Mayoral Candidates Sent and how much they have(Capital)