Christine Quinn locked out her own district from testifying they demand a hospital just like she pushed through an illegal 3rd democratic process flushed down the toilet.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

John Liu's Legal Bills vs. Christine Quinn Making Tax Payers Pay Hers and Her Staffs

John Liu who would want him politically dead and by the way -- considering how many billionaires and defense contractors and fortune 500 companies he stopped from exploiting to flat out robbing the city that are trying to destroy him his bills are small.

In contrast Christine Quinn and her staff have huge legal bills and we they tax payers are paying.  If she doesn't steal her way in the mayor spot again using tax payer money to openly buy favor and reminder Josh Margolin NY Post exposed Chrisitne Quinn never filled the slush abuse watch dog post

Christine  Quinn hired Sullivan & Cromwell to represent some of her staff -- she approved this outrageous and shameful hire of a white collar crime defense law firm that is used by Goldman Sachs --
She approved this outrageous and shameful expense -- a top white collar crime her staff needs the same firm Goldman Sachs uses.

Quinn must agree with me that she and her staff are criminal? She brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime! Two! She approved billions in over -riding budgets along with Mark Page and Mike Bloomberg, CityTime, one billion and 14 million ECTP, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, FDNY Wireless -- short list....

Quinn why isn't Cy Vance prosecuting St. Vincent's Crooks and why did the US attorney give Quinn unofficial immunity along with Cy on the slush abuse?

Read this ---  Quinn have some kind of special immunity from Cy Vance and US Attorney

Quinn took money from one same sketchy guy as Liu but not one paper said boo about that.

What they accuse Liu of so many politicians have been rumored to the same including Rudy and we know that Mike Bloomberg blatantly broke campaign laws which carries jail time and he committed perjury during the Haggerty trial so Liu stopped to many greedy billionaires and powerful defense contractors - do the math.