Christine Quinn Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me must never be mayor of NYC.She is a sell-out and brushed aside 2 investigations CityTime largest White Collar crimes so far exposed NYC gov. Christine Quinn back room deal to push through a third term with slush money and intimidation? She pushed thru Rudin Condos instead of a Trauma L1 Hospital w/ Rape Crisis Ctr W. village! Ask her, Bloomberg about Rubenstein's work on behalf of Jeffrey Epstein! Ask her about Stop and Frisk
Christine Quinn locked out her own district from testifying they demand a hospital just like she pushed through an illegal 3rd democratic process flushed down the toilet.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Christine Quinn is not an Adult so Blame Bloomberg and her Gender!
Christine Quinn is not an Adult so Blame Bloomberg and her Gender!
I warned you all that the media like Wall St would not learn their lesson and remain as arrogant as ever selling lies that none of us believe.
Christine Quinn is an adult. She made choices. Mike Bloomberg did not hold a gun to her head when she lied to us at a meeting at City Hall and I brought Norman Siegel and community members.
Norman asked how are you going to vote tomorrow? Christine Quinn said I don't know.
She did not know after 2 years how she is going to vote? She voted for Rudin Luxury Condos, not a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS CARE.
Mike Bloomberg was not in the room holding up a gun.
She also lied to my face about what I said. She disparaged me stating I called her fat. I wanted to fight to get a hospital so I ignored her. I said you lost weight but you are still a big fat liar. I just sat there and listened to her lie and lie and all these years The New York Times, NYDN, and the NY Post most backed up her lies and finally endorsed her and today come out selling more lies.
Christine Quinn did not lose because she is gay....She did not lose because of her gender. She did not lose because People associated her with Mike Bloomberg but because she lied to us, she made corrupt deals selling us out over and over and what thought we did not notice just like the arrogant newspapers now blame Bloomberg...
Mike Bloomberg did not hold a gun to her head.
Unless The New York Times think she is some how not an adult and handicapped last time The People checked Christine Quinn made the choice to act as Mike Bloomberg's deputy mayor; Quinn made the choice to act as Mike's mini-me and enjoyed her status along with Pat Harris as the other little emperors of NYC.
Blame it on anything you want but Quinn has herself to blame and the media that backed her like Wall St has proven today they have learned nothing.
This is more than a disconnect. The media's role protecting Bloomberg and Quinn for their corrupt dealings involving real estate and 911 the short list is criminal.
You all haven't read about me being savagedly assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman's and the NYPD and Internal Affairs fixed the violent crime -- the YouTube is 140 views away from 16,000 views and the lawsuit against the City of NY, NYPD and IAB has over 1,000 views on not news?
Everyone wants to go to the doctors and feel safe yet I was violated over and over and walked out with far more serious damage to my retina from a running punch by Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman's receptionist office manager.
For editors of the news desk to kill this story --- you have to be really monsterous people --- under Mike Bloomberg's reign I have been treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany.
Watch the video and ask why wasn't she arrested? Why did the NYPD met with my violent lying attacker but repeatedly refused to meet with me to see the bleeding to my eye, damage to my neck and defensive wounds to my eye. Everyone agrees that this violent crime was fixed and everyone says what a story and agrees shocking because it happened at a doctor's office.
On the front page of my lawsuit you see this --- the tale of Two Cities....
Bill De Blasio got that right and The NY Times, the NYDN, The NY Post coming out today even The Wall St Journal pretending St Vincent's Hospital turned in to Rudin Condos played no role in Quinn's entire district just like the same papers not covering the savage attack shows you the media is part of the tale of 2 Cities.
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Click on it and see The NY Post's article on DOT commissioner getting special treatment by the NYPD and FYI an honest cop sick of NYPD corruption fixing and favors had to have been the source vs my quote on NYPD fixing stats / crime like a Las Vegas Casino.
I am not allowed to meet with the NYPD and the NYPD seal my savage attackers false cross complaint, her false medical report because FYI I barely touched her defending myself and my arm was numb, and I never put down 2 bags 1 heavy and my phone as she whaled away at me continually ignoring the women in the video who lied for her and blamed me but I have the video proving they are liars. See those women -- not one of them asked me are you okay? and they work at a medical office and this is not news? They were not fired. Delita Hooks was not arrested.
Tale of Two Cities. The media continues to sell lies and we will respond at the voting booth to say we do not buy your lies. Why do we even buy you papers or tune in to news channels selling lies and killing news?
The NY Times Has No Shame Christine Quinn Lost Because she is a corrupt Liar had nothing to do with sexuality or Bloomberg
Christine Quinn losing had nothing to do with her sexuality. Christine Quinn is a sell-out and a liar.
I wrote the media like Wall st would not learn their lesson and go back to biz as usual selling lies killing news and today proven right again.
Don't hold Quinn responsible for her choices blame gender, blame Mike Bloomberg....
she isn't a grown up adult but a victim yeah right. She is a corrupt liar far more ambitious than
intelligent or should would have figured out no one was buying her lies or the media endorsement.
Is this the first time the media as a block endorsed someone and they lost?
Carolyn Ryan and Quinn can use their sexuality and blame it as much as they want but the People are not buying my Wall St Journal Comment and ask Bill Keller and Carolyn Ryan about St. Vincent's Hospital, 911 tech corruption the largest corruption EVER in NYC Gov history, CityTime etc.
This post is racking up reads and more proof it had nothing to do with gender but with arrogance and I also predicted the powers that be have learned nothing so they treat Quinn like a child blaming everyone but herself as she herself did not make her choices and they were corrupt and dishonest.
Ask why they covered up Christine Quinn's direct role. They paint Quinn as a victim when she is the abuser given special treatment and protection by Preet Bharara and slush abuse is just once example and Cy Vance who won't go after St. Vincent's Crooks because it would bring light to Rudin's acquisition pennies on the dollar? and Ditto for 911 Tech Corruption and Bharara should have come in and taken the 911 tech corruption case. Quinn needs a gov job to pay for her lawyers and she will need them the CityTime trial unfolds because she could have stopped SAIC in their tracks along with Spherion, TechnoDyne and my guess is Ariel and Gartner also played corrupt roles CityTime Crime.
The New York Times, The NY Post and the NY Post all who endorsed Christine Quinn were sent yet another message by Voters -- I predicted the Voters express a Tsunami of Rage against Quinn and I predicted that the Arrogant New York Times, NY Post, NYDN who insulted us killing news stories and were so arrogant and insulting they actually believed we bought their lies and cover-ups for Bloomberg and Quinn would actually vote for Quinn -- I predicted --- they wouldn't learn from Sept. 10th's message and I was right.
The New York Times is so sexist they are blaming gender but Quinn was a grown up who chose to sell her soul and sell - out the People of NYC -- she and the media thought we would be their lies and cover-ups and take their endorsement seriously.
The WSJ is the only one to allow me a comment so their's is my only link but the media that backed Quinn like an Orwellian Greed Machine predictably did not learn their lesson and remain as arrogant as ever.
he New York Times, The NY Post (so that would mean the WSJ), The NYDN were so arrogant they endorsed Christine Quinn and just like term limits silenced all critics and killed extremely urgent news stories to protect Christine Quinn's role in making sure we did not have a Trauma Level 1 Hospital but Rudin Luxury Condos, how Quinn helped push through a billion dollar plus over run on 911 and 700 million dollar over -run on CityTime and more tech disasters and yet she would like and lie and have guys like Tom Duane go out and lie about her role preventing us from having a Trauma Level 1 hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care and they media killed all this news and the media along with wall street and all reach arrogant people that SILENCE the truth and voices in opposition were so arrogant they thought the People they continue to harm and lie to would go out and vote for her?
Christine Quinn lies and lies as does Bloomberg and how many others the media protects like Scott Stringer and I wrote just like Term Limits the media would be sent a message and would learn nothing just like Wall st learned nothing after Wall St imploded.
Biz as usual selling lies as usual.
No one has reported her entire community came out against her voting against her because of NO TRAUMA Level 1 Hospital....
Not news.
Yesterday 9-11 a reminder St Vincents Hospital was open during the terror attacks and Bloomberg and Kelly want to validate their corrupt dealings using terrorism fears yet they support Rudin Family Greed and No Hospital like St Vincent's that was ready for a terror attack disaster or Hurricane Sandy and St V's generator's worked during Hurricane Sandy but no Hospital and 311 another tax payer Titanic and 911 didn't.
The media has gone back to Arrogance 101 and doesn't learn the lesson Sept 10 we aren't buying your lies even if we occasionally buy your papers.
Now the media selling the lies it was Bloomberg and Quinn her self lied and lied and pushed through historic corrupt dealings a real estate Tsunami of Community Crushing Development, Term LImits and the most historic White Collar Crimes EVER in NYC Gov History starting with 911 Tech corruption, CityTime, 311, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, Board of Election Tech corruption, BOEd tech corruption, NICE (not nice housing tech mess) and more.
The NY Times Has No Shame Christine Quinn Lost Because she is a corrupt Liar had nothing to do with sexuality or Bloomberg
Monday, September 9, 2013
Christine Quinn Murdered Mark Carson's Chance To Live LGBTQ Hate Crime Murder
Christine Quinn Murdered Mark Carson's Chance To Live LGBTQ Hate Crime Murder
Christine Quinn won't be calling for an investigation in to why Mark Carson's ambulance ride was delayed just like Ariel Russo's.
She was no where to be seen when I testified....actually most everyone had left....
Many city council members came to be there to say sorry to Ariel Russo's family and than left...
listen to my testimony...
The NY Times, NY Post, NYDN, 1% er Didn't Learn from Term Limits Endorsing Chris Quinn Another Lesson they won't learn from because they are too arrogant....
The NY Times, NY Post, NYDN, 1% er Didn't Learn from Term Limits Endorsing Chris Quinn Another Lesson they won't learn from because they are too arrogant....
Wall St Imploded, we bailed out banks, some people did not survive Bernie Maddoff's evil and what was learned from all this?
Not much biz as usual with the largest corruptions EVER under Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn who sold the lie we needed Mike for a third term to help as with the economy as he, Christine Quinn and the oligarchs of NY grew richer and still The NY Times and The NY Post and The NYDN endorsed Christine Quinn just like Wall Street learning nothing from what I had predicted 6 months before Mike barely won an illegal third term....
I made this YouTube -- do not believe the media Mike Bloomberg may not win due to Voter Anger.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Look at the date...
Well the media machine truly mostly all about wealth and greed did it again having learned nothing from Mike Bloomberg barely winning despite using mega millions, he and Quinn illegally using slush aka tax payer money, Mike's charity to funnel money for votes, Bloomberg Quinn back room deals with real estate magnates --- they learned nothing....
Christine Quinn is so arrogant she went along with it all as she has for so many years acting as mayor Bloomberg's deputy mayor and September 10 they are all getting another lesson..
If Quinn does not get the mayor job or an NYC gov job let's hope her wife got a pre nup because Quinn's legal bills and troubles are going to be heft and she has relied on the tax payers and protection from Cy Vance and Preet Bharara who will continue to protect her but she won't have the shield of NYC Gov anymore.
The NY Times, The NY Daily News and The NY Post clearly have learned nothing as they are going to be taught another painful lesson in humiliation as they endorsement of Christine Quinn means utterly nothing.
Sept 10 expect a Tsunami of Voter Rage directed at Mike Bloomberg junior Christine Quinn.
click on the links below -- New Yorkers are paying attention and they are very angry with good reason.
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Bill De Blasio Rises as Christine Quinn Ray Kelly Fall to New Low
Bill De Blasio Rises as Christine Quinn Ray Kelly Fall to New Low
New Yorkers have Bloomberg burn out and Quinn and Thompson are Bloomberg Lite.
Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, read the flyers posted around her district proof of why she should never hold office and if only the City of NY could force her to sell her townhouse since she is a millionaire and that not meant to be sold for bubkas to a millionaire.
I am voting for De Blasio but the fact James Capalino already has leached on to Bill De Blasio is sickening....Capalino is part of the kabal responsible for why we have no Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care because Koch's guy is an expert on Betrayal....and Capalino helping out Koch's landlord Rudin family Greed so who needs a hospital.
Unless you are part of the 1 percent you know already we are living in a glittery dinksiville here already thanks to the most corrupt NYC EVER under Bloomberg Quinn with the 911 Tech corruption and CityTime the 2 biggest corruption scandals in the HISTORY of NYC gov yet Bloomberg's thugs sell his legacy has fantastic.
The same thugs endorsed Quinn, yes The NY Times, NYDN and NY Post and they are in for a yet another shock at the voting booths unless Board of Elections can fix a fake win for Quinn and with the levers thanks to yet another tech scandal theoretically Howard Rubenstein or Bloomberg or Wall St or NYU and Rudin, Columbia U, Cooper U, anyone who wants more Bloomberg years could chip in to bribe Board of Elections to give Quinn a fake win....hardee har har.
(The Board of Election tech corruption yet another Bloomberg Quinn Scandal like 911, CityTime, 311, NYCAPS, FDNY Wireless, NYWiNS, countless Board of Ed tech corruptions, etc. now repeat after me Bloomberg is a great biz man and tech whiz he and Christine Quinn and Bill Thompson are not responsible along with Mark Page and most of City Council for over-runs in the billions for tech contracts where we over paid contractors and high priced consultants including Gartner Group!)
Reminder Ray Kelly and his wife took free rides on Air Bloomberg when Ray knows he isn' t suppose to take a free cup of coffee from a diner.
Dr Fagelman lives near RAy Kelly and works by the First Precinct, Internal Affairs and 1 Police Plaza.
Hey Ray and all mayoral candidates. Don't I have a right to go to a medical office and after a $430 medical procedure not have my retina punctured from a running punch to my eye by Delita Hooks Dr Fagelman's extra special receptionist and office manager who was not fired or arrested and she filed a false cross complaint which was mysteriously sealed.
Ray Kelly's popularity has gone the way of Mike Bloomberg's and Christine Quinn and Ray won't be getting a job as head of homeland security.
Ray is just lucky he isn't going to jail like Bernie Kerik did.
Why did Internal Affairs give my allegations of coercion which by the way are a fact to Lt Agnes of the Integrity Bureau who refused to interview me just like the NYPD refused to meet with me and interview everyone involved and witness including Dr Vine's assistant who witnessed I doubled back to get Dr Vine's help and wanted to know what is with her -- Delita Hooks who was stalking me as I sought help from my MD Dr Vine.
IAB let Det John VErgona retire rather than arrest him for coercion and Delita Hooks is still sitting at the front desk blaming me to anyone to stupid or amoral to understand she had no right to repeatedly violate my body let alone yell at me I have no rights who am I?
Internal affairs cannot police themselves let alone the NYPD and Ray's IAB parallels 911 tech corruption with a fortune of tax payer money poured in to utter failures and scams.
Ray's career is over and he could never be mayor -- he has fallen harder than Christine Quinn and who thought that was possible.
Ray has fallen from grace. No serious contender for mayor would even mention him except to castigate him.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Christine Quinn the Pedro Espada of Highline Discretionary Funds
Christine Quinn the Pedro Espada of Highline Discretionary Funds
Christine Quinn like Pedro Espada Campaign $ Highline
Scroll down
fyi too hard to find on his blog
Scroll down
fyi too hard to find on his blog
Vote for Eliot Sptizer because Scott Stringer an Idiot Supports Tax Breaks for Pro-Pedophilla Group
Vote for Eliot Sptizer because Scott Stringer an Idiot Supports Tax Breaks for Pro-Pedophilla Group
Controller candidate Scott Stringer voted to let a pro-pedophilia group keep its tax break
Read more:
Scott Stringer Christine Quinn Mike Bloomberg in bed with illegal third term greedy corrupt Oligarch NY which is why we have Rudin Condos and not Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS Care.
Stringer and Quinn could have gotten us protective zoning for a hospital only!
Vote for Bill De Blasio Quinn Thompson Attacks Prove He is Better Than Their Bad
Vote for Bill De Blasio Quinn Thompson Attacks Prove He is Better Than Their Bad
Vote for Bill De Blasio
he is better than the rest.
I was a critic and I get it --- anyone complaints you have I am not defending them.
I am just saying he is way better than Thompson and Quinn who are in bed
Final Face-Off in Mayoral Debate
Christine Quinn was sued for back rent 4 times and if that is not a clue she can't be responsible for her NYC's budget because she should be huddled with a defense attorney for her role green lighting 911 tech corruption and CityTime corruption. Ironic because Bill Thompson also green lighted all the tech corruption when he was in office as comptroller and only John Liu was a hero who stopped it and called for a criminal investigation.
Christine Quinn talks out of both sides of her mouth. She used Ariel Russo's family and did not attend the city council hearing on 911 Tech Mess and Cas Holloway called us all liars and insulted us holding us hostage only to eat his words last month in a letter to the head of Homeland security.
I would have voted for John Liu but I don't believe he has a chance because he was a target of a political assassination lead by Bloomberg and the owner of the WSJ and NY Post Murdoch.
I am asking John Liu, Bill Thompson, and Weiner if you care about the People drop out and tell everyone to support Dee Blasio . I was a critic of De Blasio and he will inherit a nightmare a true mess thanks to Bloomberg and Quinn yet The NY Times continues to misrepresent Mike's tarnished legacy.
This is why I am voting for Bill De Blasio.
His rep from the Public Advocate called Internal Affairs for me and in my opinion we were lied to and IAB stated case open when in fact the corrupt NYPD det JOhn Vergona who emotionally pistol whipped me and finally succeeded in coercing me in to dropping charges or spend a weekend in jail with a hole in my retina and neck brace retired meaning his cased was closed despite what i and the Public advocate office was told.
Thompson and Quinn betrayals involve billions of tax payer dollars stolen and or abused on historic tech corruption over-runs and I can't get figures on 311.
I was published in The Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero" and how ironic is that. Take a look at my lawsuit.
Watch me be violently punched in the eye by Delita Hooks Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager after a $430 medical procedure. The camera goes black when she lands a running punch to my eye. Not arrested but in fact I was slandered and the nypd involved sealed her false cross complaint. Why seal it. They want to bury their crime coercion and hers assault and a false cross complaint.
Commish Kelly was fed exed as stated in my lawsuit. I emailed him and Chief Campisi. I handed Kelly a Justice Card before I testified at City Hall on 911 Tech corruption and asked where is the criminal investigation John LIu requested?
NYPD Chief Dowd didn't stay for public testimony. He took my Justice card and looked at it. He refused to take my 911 Testimony. The NYPD fixed me being violent assaulted for a series of reasons and one is I am a 911 whistle blower the 2nd to be a victim of NYPD creative policing by the First Precinct Det Squad....
First Precinct protects City Hall (corruption and their own along with IAB, Commission to Combat Police Corruption and CCRB?)
Christine Quinn Mike Bloomberg Divorcing? No Just Faking it!
Well done. A faux marriage and faux divorce because NYDN nypost nytimes Wall Street united with real estate developers corporate greed to steal this election and put Quinn in power so Mike and pals can have a 4th and 5th term from the golf course. My post on nytimes NYDN nypost Wall st Chris Quinn united as one I guess a marriage huh high traffic. Quinn changing her stance faux divorce all lies. Let's who they don't pay off Board of Election to steal a win!
Suzannah B. Troy
St Vincent's Hospital ad Quinn Betrayal post lots of traffic this am too.

''Roots of Betrayal'' Book Project | 70A Greenwich Ave., No. 342 | New York | NY | 10011
Monday, September 2, 2013
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Christine Quinn Joe Lhota Bobsy Twins Rudin Condos Better than a Trauma Level 1 Hospital
Joe Lhota Endorsed by NY Times Kitten Killer? Chris Quinn Lhota Anti- Trauma L1 Hospital pro rudin condos
Joe Lhota Endorsed by NY Times Kitten Killer?
Joe Lhota Endorsed by NY Times Kitten Killer?
We knew that Joe Lhota and Christine Quinn don't value the lives of anyone who
needs a Trauma Level 1 Hospital in the West Village along with a Rape Crisis Center
and AIDS Care but wow --- this photo speaks volumes. I PRAY BILL DE BLASIO WINS!
Joe Lhota and Christine Quinn support Rudin Luxury Condos instead of a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with Rape Crisis Center and AIDS Care
We knew that Joe Lhota and Christine Quinn don't value the lives of anyone who
needs a Trauma Level 1 Hospital in the West Village along with a Rape Crisis Center
and AIDS Care but wow --- this photo speaks volumes. I PRAY BILL DE BLASIO WINS!
Joe Lhota and Christine Quinn support Rudin Luxury Condos instead of a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with Rape Crisis Center and AIDS Care
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Dr Andrew Fagelman ASPCA Would have Arrested Delita Hooks if She Did that to a Dog
Dr Andrew Fagelman ASPCA Would have Arrested Delita Hooks if She Did that to a Dog
NYPD IAB Corruption The ASPCA Would Have Arrested Delita Hooks if She Did that to a Dog at the Vets
ASPCA Delita Hooks Would Have Arrested Delita Hooks if she Did that to a Dog at The Vets NYC 155 Spring St
I have proof the NYPD coerced me to drop charges and IAB knew this and allowed Det John Vergona retire so now I have proof IAB involved in the crime by letting him retire rather than arresting him.
Coercing a victim of a violent crime to drop charges is a crime and I have this video, medical reports, photos before and after and proof Internal Affairs involved in criminal activity to fix this crime first and foremost by allowing Det John Vergona and his supervisor to retire.
IAB was willing to participate in criminal behavior to protect the NYPD and corrupt cops including those that sealed Delita Hooks false cross complaint also a crime to protect the NYPD role in knowingly using a false cross complaint to threaten me with false arrest and after 4 days with a hole in my retina, my neck in a brace with MRI to document bulging and herniated disks in my cervical spine Det Vergona succeeded in his criminal activity to coerce me to drop charges to fix it for the MD's office and FYI the NYPD met with her my savage attacker and refused to meet with me to see the damage she did to my eye and body as I held 2 bags I heavy, and my Iphone and my arm numb 2 injections in my elbow.
My lawsuits stats state over 1,000 reads....
The NYPD and IAB fixing this violent assault which goes black when Delita Hooks lands a running punch to my left eye making a hole in my retina has 15, 343 views as up 8:30 Monday night as I work on this post for tomorrow am.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Christine Quinn Endorsed by NY Times, NYDN, NY Post Term Limits Dr Martin Luther King 3.7 Million Stop and Frisks
Christine Quinn Endorsed by NY Times, NYDN, NY Post Term Limits Dr Martin Luther King 3.7 Million Stop and Frisks
What is the difference between The NY Times, The NYDN and The NY Post?
None when it comes to pushing through an illegal third term for their financial gain and greed and now endorsing a woman that pushed a one billion dollar over-ride on a 911 tech system where she was alerted HP was stealing according to rumors but rumors which I believe are true are not necessary to rely on because just like CityTime it was simple math we were being robbed!!!!!
Quinn approve a 1 billion dollar over ride on 911 Tech corruption, 700 million dollar over-ride CityTime Crime, NYCAPS 277 million dollar over-ride, etc.
When you vote you and you must vote against her you will use a lever or a pencil because the Board of Elections tech deal with corrupt and hey don't forget to look at consultants and what they billed us as well starting with Gartner Group.
We have no Trauma Level 1 Hospital in the West Village with A Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care just Rudin Luxury Condos because Christine Quinn Sold us out to Rudin Family greed. She pushed through an illegal third term.
If this in part why the NYPD and Internal Affairs without any fear of the consequences for fixing a violent crime. Ask Christine Quinn about me being a victim of a violent hate crime at Dr Andrew Fagelman medical office by Delita Hooks. She saw me as someone who had no rights and she yelled at me I have no rights so in my opinion it was a violent hate crime.
I have proof the NYPD coerced me to drop charges and IAB knew this and allowed Det John Vergona retire so now I have proof IAB involved in the crime by letting him retire rather than arresting him.
Coercing a victim of a violent crime to drop charges is a crime and I have this video, medical reports, photos before and after and proof Internal Affairs involved in criminal activity to fix this crime first and foremost by allowing Det John Vergona and his supervisor to retire.
IAB was willing to participate in criminal behavior to protect the NYPD and corrupt cops including those that sealed Delita Hooks false cross complaint also a crime to protect the NYPD role in knowingly using a false cross complaint to threaten me with false arrest and after 4 days with a hole in my retina, my neck in a brace with MRI to document bulging and herniated disks in my cervical spine Det Vergona succeeded in his criminal activity to coerce me to drop charges to fix it for the MD's office and FYI the NYPD met with her my savage attacker and refused to meet with me to see the damage she did to my eye and body as I held 2 bags I heavy, and my Iphone and my arm numb 2 injections in my elbow.
My lawsuits stats state over 1,000 reads....
The NYPD and IAB fixing this violent assault which goes black when Delita Hooks lands a running punch to my left eye making a hole in my retina has 15, 343 views as up 8:30 Monday night as I work on this post for tomorrow am.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Christine Quinn's Role NYPD Tapes Schoolcraft Book NYPD Internal Affairs
NYPD Tapes Schoolcraft Book NYPD Internal Affairs Fixed my Case Too 15,185 views
The Jodi Arias of medical reception desks -- the NYPD and IAB helped her get away with everything but murder. To date I hear she still blames me. The NYPD sealed her false cross complaint. I am getting it unsealed and just got the number of her false cross complaint so now I can get her false criminal report that the NYPD fixed along with IAB and buried.
NYPD Tapes AdrianSchoolcraft Book NYPD Internal Affairs Fixed my Case Too IAB Chief Charles Campisi Ray Kelly New York police department Christine Quinn Russia Mike Bloomberg
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
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