Christine Quinn locked out her own district from testifying they demand a hospital just like she pushed through an illegal 3rd democratic process flushed down the toilet.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Christine Quinn Emily Giske Pink Mafia Blues

Christine Quinn Emily Giske Pink Mafia Blues

Christine Quinn Emily Giske Pink Mafia Blues

Emily Giske Quinn's consigliere who may pay Quinn's huge legal bills
right now tax payers paying if Quinn can't keep her nyc gov job
another 8 years as Mike's mini me!!! Hope Kim got a pre-nup.

Is that the Emily Giske mega millionaire who enjoys free rides courtesy of
tax payers in Quinn's gas guzzling SUV lobbyist for fast food companies
that don't believe in sick days and lobbyist for taxis and a behind
the scenes goal to destroy pedicab?

Why are Quinn's supporters including Gloria Steinem and NYC NOW pro no trauma
level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS Care and support Rudin Luxury Condos.

No wonder Quinn worries about free nyc condoms being comfortable.

She is in bed more more billionaire men than the most ambitious "socialites"
on the NYC scene.

I wonder if nyc condoms are made in a Sweat Shop in Maylasia and if
Quinn will come out as straight?

Where is the investigation in to Mark Carson's ambulance response time?