Christine Quinn locked out her own district from testifying they demand a hospital just like she pushed through an illegal 3rd democratic process flushed down the toilet.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ghost of St. Vincent's Hospital Haunt Christine Quinn in New Ad

Anti- Christine Quinn Ad Exposing Rudin Luxury  Condos No Trauma Level 1 Hospital W. Village

Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara read about my meeting I brought Norman Siegel...she lied to us and said she did not know how she would vote the next day.  She voted for Rudin! We have no Trauma Level 1 with AIDS care and A RAPE CRISIS CENTER and she and Gloria Steinem all women politicians call themselves feminists?

Postedon NYDN but someone not me because I am banned from expressing 1st amendment rights thanks Mort.
"Christine Quinn is responsible for allowing Mike MADOFF Gloomberg run for an illegal third term. I am sure that Quinn took a cash payoff to allow the redistricting so St. Vincent's Hospital"
Comment not by me...

Published on Apr 24, 2013
"The closing of St. Vincent's hospital leaves a community out in the cold," Arthur Cheliotes, President of Local 1180 said. "Today's new ad calls attention to a community where residents have nowhere to go in the event of an emergency or health crisis. Christine Quinn played an integral role in letting St. Vincent's disappear and we cannot support a mayor who would let her donors dictate development at the sacrifice of our communities."

Watch this YouTube -- ask Christine Quinn's chief of Staff Chuck Meara to call his special friend at the First Precinct and explain why Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman's receptionist office manager wasn't arrested.
She could not have gotten away with coming out from behind the long closed off counter to menace a dog, cat or horse at a Veterinarian  Medical Care Space but she got away with getting between me and the exit to violently give me the finger... when I asked her to please do it again so I could document she punched me in the eye making a hole in my retina but first threatened me with bodily harm.