Monday, November 19, 2012

Christine Quinn in Bed With Vito Lopez

"Politics really does make strange bedfellows.
Christine Quinn, who wants to be the first female mayor of New York, is expected to give her blessing to a district change that would help the political career of Vito Lopez — who is accused of sexually harassing four female staffers, sources told The Post.
The redistricting could help elect the alleged lecher to the City Council. In return, Quinn would curry favor with what’s left of Lopez’s Brooklyn political machine for her mayoral campaign."

Christine Quinn and Jill Kelley true feminist icons.  Christine Quinn let the Rape crisis Center close St/ Vincent's and Stringer have a march about that -- she invites Lopez and Dave Paterson both who have avoided jail and should be both guilty of abusing women.  Paterson guilty of witness tampering spousal abuse case and Cuomo and Judy judy Kaye made sure abuser paterson did not go to jail so how appropriate they are at Quinn's wedding and political fixer Judy marries Quinn who has gone from being sued for back rent 4 times to owning 2 7 figure homes in 2 states?

Do the math  Quinn is no feminist -- she isn't very bright but she is ambitious.  In fact she is so ambitious she would do anything to win -- sell-out anybody.  Her own district she pushed Rudin Family Condos and makes her community live without a Trauma Level 1 hospital and No RAPE CRISIS Center.

She is in bed with the men that abuse women and she calls herself a feminist.
Hey Charlie Hynes love Vito.  Vito didn't prey on his daughter when she worked for him.  What was the DA's daughter doing working for Lopez a criminal that can't get arrested.

Why?  Too  much info to black mail powerful people?
Andrew Cuomo and Christine Quinn funneled money to Lopez and look to Bloomberg and real estate dealings Bloomberg -- a big deal that was killed by a judge is just one place to start but there are others.